
Strategic projects and educational intervention have been developed by the Sheba Foundation to accelerate successful assimilation of Ethiopian Jews into Israeli society. Projects aim to increase employment, equip and educate, support needy families and give hope for the future.

  • Children’s tutoring program:

    • The Sheba Foundation aims to provide home tutoring for up to 30 children in the Jerusalem area each year. Ethiopian-Israeli tutors assist children who are struggling in school due to lack of resources at home, or low grades. Significant and notable improvements have been achieved in children’s work. Children with scholastic potential are also tutored; a number have been accepted into selective schools for gifted children after tutoring.

  • Vocational training scholarships:

    • Vocational training scholarships are given to assist adults gain a trade and employment. Both men and women are assisted. This enables the family to receive more adequate wages in order to provide for their families, and the confidence and success of a professional trade, such as dental assistants; computer programers; dress makers; and bookkeepers.

  • Computer Literacy Classes:

    • Weekly classes are run for both children and adults, according to levels of enrolment. Taught by an Ethiopian Israeli IT expert, sessions inspire motivation as well as practical computer skills.

  • School Scholarships:

    • One-time educational assistance is given to needy families to assist with school fees, or for the purchase of school and educational supplies.

  • English Language Classes:3girls-400px

    • Many Israelis, including Ethiopian-Israelis, long to improve their English language skills for work purposes or for school requirements. Classes are provided for both children and adults through professional English classes as a service to the community. All that is required by the student is regular attendance and motivation to learn.

  • Life skill and leadership seminars:

    • The Sheba Foundation aims to conduct life skill seminars and self development courses on a regular basis. Topics include budgeting and financial planning; how to write a resume and apply for a job; developing self confidence and leadership skills; family and parenting skills; topics for women.

  • Humanitarian Aid:

    • The Sheba Foundation receives many requests for humanitarian aid from needy families throughout Israel. Requests include dental assistance, household appliances, as well as food supplies and basic family needs. Many families struggle to pay utility bills and general living costs. It is often not just the amount, but the knowledge that someone cares and can give hope.

  • Ethiopian Cultural Enrichment:

    • The Sheba Foundation recognizes the importance of preserving the rich Ethiopian culture that enhances multi-cultural Israeli society. Support is given to sculptors, painters, and weavers.

    • The Foundation sells original paintings by artist, Berihun Moges (see information below) of Biblical and Ethiopian cultural scenes, including pictures of the historical exodus from Ethiopia through Sudan during Operation Moses. Please contact the Foundation for more information. Berihun Moges was born in the city of Gondar in Ethiopia in 1940. He studied to become a teacher and worked as such in Gondar for the period of four years. During his youth he discovered his passion for painting and has continued painting till today.

      • "In 1971 Berihun Moges married Esther, a member of a prominent Jewish family from Gondar; the couple has seven children. Immediately after the marriage the couple decided to leave Ethiopia but they were refused permission by the local authorities. In 1991 Berihun Moges left Addis Ababa masquerading as a Christian Qes (Holy man) with his wife and six of his children and fulfilled his dream to come to Israel. In 1993 a visa was granted to the son he left behind in Ethiopia and he joined his family in Israel. In Berihun's paintings, it is easy to get the feeling and warmth of Jewish life as perceived in Ethiopia." (Passover Haggadah published by The Studio in Old Jaffa)

A note from the CEO/Founder:

Our projects offer you opportunity for involvement. I invite you to link hands with the Sheba Foundation through financial partnership. The aim of our projects is to equip the Ethiopian Jewish community to rise to a new level of success and hope within modern Israeli society. With your help, this miracle is possible.

J.A. Kaplan